Manipulating the DOM

Manipulating the Selection

The dom_query crate provides various methods to manipulate the DOM. Below are some examples demonstrating how to append new HTML nodes, set new content, remove selections, and replace selections with new HTML.

use dom_query::Document;

let html_contents = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div class="content">
        <div class="remove-it">
            Remove me
        <div class="replace-it">
            <div>Replace me</div>

let doc = Document::from(html_contents);

// Select the div with class "content"
let mut content_selection ="body .content");

// Append a new HTML node to the selection
content_selection.append_html(r#"<div class="inner">inner block</div>"#);
assert!("body .content .inner").exists());

// Set a new content to the selection, replacing existing content
let mut set_selection =".inner");
    r#"<div class="inner"><p>1,2,3</p></div>"#.into());

// Remove the selection with class "remove-it"".remove-it").remove();

// Replace the selection with new HTML, the current selection will not change
let mut replace_selection =".replace-it");
replace_selection.replace_with_html(r#"<div class="replaced">Replaced</div>"#);
assert_eq!(replace_selection.text().trim(), "Replace me");

// But the document will reflect the changes

// Prepend more elements to the selection
content_selection.prepend_html(r#"<p class="third">3</p>"#);
content_selection.prepend_html(r#"<p class="first">1</p><p class="second">2</p>"#);

// Also you can insert html before selection:
let first =".first");
first.before_html(r#"<p class="none">None</p>"#);
// or after:
let third =".third");
third.after_html(r#"<p class="fourth">4</p>"#);

// now the added paragraphs standing in front of `div`
assert!(".content > .none + .first + .second + .third + .fourth + div:has-text("1,2,3")"#).exists());

// to set a text to the selection you can use `set_html` but `set_text` is preferable:
let p_sel ="p");
let total_p = p_sel.length();
p_sel.set_text("test content");

assert_eq!("p:has-text("test content")"#).length(), total_p);


  • Append HTML:

    • The append_html method is used to add a new HTML node to the existing selection.
  • Set HTML:

    • The set_html method replaces the existing content of the selection with new HTML.
  • Remove Selection:

    • The remove method deletes the elements matching the selector from the document.
  • Replace with HTML:

    • The replace_with_html method replaces the selected elements with new HTML. Note that the selection itself remains unchanged, but the document reflects the new content.
  • Prepend HTML

    • The prepend_html method is used to add a new HTML node at the beginning of the existing selection.
  • Insert HTML Before/After

    • The before_html method inserts HTML before each element in the selection.
    • The after_html method inserts HTML after each element in the selection.

Renaming Elements Without Changing the Contents

The dom_query crate allows you to easily rename selected elements without changing their contents. Selection::rename does the same for the entire selection, while Node::rename does it for a single element.

use dom_query::Document;

let doc: Document = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
    <div class="content">

let mut sel ="div.content > div, div.content > span");
// Before renaming, there are 3 `div` and 1 `span`
assert_eq!(sel.length(), 4);


// After renaming, there are no `div` and `span` elements
assert_eq!("div.content > div, div.content > span").length(), 0);
// But there are four `p` elements
assert_eq!("div.content > p").length(), 4);

Creating and Manipulating Elements

The dom_query crate allows you to create and manipulate HTML elements with ease. Below are examples demonstrating how to create new elements, set attributes, append HTML, and replace content.

use dom_query::Document;

let doc: Document = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <div id="main">
        <p id="first">It's</p>

// Selecting a node we want to attach a new element
let main_sel = doc.select_single("#main");
let main_node = main_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();

// Creating a simple element
let el = doc.tree.new_element("p");
// Setting attributes
el.set_attr("id", "second");
// Setting text content
assert!("#main #second:has-text("test")"#).exists());

// Appending a more complex element using `append_html`
main_node.append_html(r#"<p id="third">Wonderful</p>"#);
assert_eq!("#main #third").text().as_ref(), "Wonderful");

// There is also a `prepend_child` and `prepend_html` methods which allows
// to insert content to the begging of the node.
main_node.prepend_html(r#"<p id="minus-one">-1</p><p id="zero">0</p>"#);
assert!("#main > #minus-one + #zero + #first + #second + #third").exists());

// Replacing existing element content with new HTML using `set_html`
main_node.set_html(r#"<p id="the-only">Wonderful</p>"#);
assert_eq!("#main #the-only").text().as_ref(), "Wonderful");

// Completely replacing the contents of the node, 
// including itself, using `replace_with_html`
    r#"<span>Tweedledum</span> and <span>Tweedledee</span>"#
assert_eq!("span + span").text().as_ref(), "Tweedledee");

// Inserting HTML content before a certain node using `node.before_html`
let span_sel ="body > span");
let span_node = span_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();
span_node.before_html(r#"<div id="main">Main Content</div>"#);
assert!("body > #main + span:has-text("Tweedledum")"#).exists());

// Inserting HTML content after a certain node using `node.after_html`
let span_node = span_sel.nodes().last().unwrap();
span_node.after_html(r#"<div id="extra">Extra Content</div>"#);
assert!("body > span:has-text("Tweedledee") + #extra"#).exists());

// To insert nodes before or after a certain element, 
// use the `node.insert_before` and `node.insert_after` methods.
// Both methods share the same behavior as `node.append_child`.


  • Creating a Simple Element:

    • Use doc.tree.new_element() to create a new orphan element.
    • Set attributes using node.set_attr().
    • Set text content using node.set_text().
    • Use node.append_child() to append a new child element node to the selected node.
    • Use node.prepend_child() to prepend a new child element node to the selected node.
    • Use node.insert_before() to insert a new sibling element node before the selected node.
    • Use node.insert_after() to insert a new sibling element node after the selected node.
  • Appending HTML:

    • Use append_html to add a more complex HTML node to the existing selection.
    • This method is more convenient for adding multiple elements to the selected node.
  • Prepending HTML:

    • Use prepend_html to add new HTML nodes at the beginning of the existing selection.
    • Use prepend_child to prepend a new or an existing element node to the selected node.
  • Setting New HTML Content:

    • Use set_html to replace the existing content of the selected node with new HTML.
    • It changes the inner HTML contents of the node.
  • Replacing Node Contents Completely:

    • Use replace_with_html to replace the entire content of the node, including the node itself.
  • Inserting HTML Before/After:

    • Use before_html to insert HTML before each element in the selection.
    • Use after_html to insert HTML after each element in the selection.

Additionally, methods like replace_with_html, set_html, append_html, prepend_html, before_html and after_html can specify more than one element in the provided string.

Text Node Normalization

Node normalization is essential for merging adjacent text nodes into a single node and removing empty text nodes. This helps keep the document structure compact and organized.

use dom_query::Document;

let contents = r#"<!DOCTYPE html>
        <div id="parent">
            <div id="child">Child</div>
let doc = Document::from(contents);

// Select the node with id "child"
let child_sel = doc.select_single("#child");
let child = child_sel.nodes().first().unwrap();

// Check that the node initially has only one child
assert_eq!(child.children_it(false).count(), 1);

// Create and append new text nodes
let text_1 = doc.tree.new_text(" and a");
let text_2 = doc.tree.new_text(" ");
let text_3 = doc.tree.new_text("tail");

// Verify the text and child count before normalization
assert_eq!(child.text(), "Child and a tail".into());
assert_eq!(child.children_it(false).count(), 4);

// Normalize the node

// Verify the text and child count after normalization
assert_eq!(child.children_it(false).count(), 1);
assert_eq!(child.text(), "Child and a tail".into());

The normalize method follows the Node.normalize() specification. This method is also available through the Document struct as Document::normalize(), which applies normalization to all text nodes within the document tree.