WASM32 Compilation

When compiling dom_query to WebAssembly (target wasm32-unknown-unknown) using wasm-pack, you may encounter runtime panics related to memory allocation, such as:

panicked at 'assertion failed: psize <= size + max_overhead'

This issue currently occurs due to compatibility problems between the latest versions of the selectors crate and the dlmalloc crate. The issue specifically manifests when using pseudo-elements, including selectors' own pseudo-elements like :not and :has.

If you must compile dom_query for a wasm32 application, consider using an alternative to dlmalloc. The following allocators have been tested and work successfully:

  • wee_alloc
  • lol_alloc
  • mini-alloc (fast, but it never deallocates memory)
  • alloc_cat


  1. Add mini-alloc to your Cargo.toml:
alloc_cat = "1.0.0"
  1. Set your favorite allocator as the global allocator in your lib.rs or main.rs:
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
pub static ALLOC: &alloc_cat::AllocCat = &alloc_cat::ALLOCATOR;
  1. Build or test your WebAssembly project